Simon & Halbig
Information taken from:
Simon & Halbig Dolls 1839-1943 German
Simon & Halbig was founded in 1839, they began making dolls from 1869 in their two porcelain factories in Gräfenhain and Hidburghausen, near Thüringia, Germany. In 1920 S & H was bought by Kämmer & Reinhardt, who continued to produce dolls until 1932, shortly after the factory became known as Keramisches Werk Gräfenhain which ceased around 1943.
Simon & Halbig is known for their fine bisque doll heads and innovation in the doll industry, they also supplied doll heads to many other well known doll manufacturers.
The American firms that used a S & H doll head; Arranbee, George Borgfeldt, Thomas Edison, Gimbel Brothers, FAO Schwartz, John Wanamaker. German firms; Bawo & Dotter, C.M. Bergmann, Bing Brothers, Carl Bergner, Cuno & Otto Dressel, Eekhoff, Hamburger & Company, Heinrich Handwerck, Adolf Hülß also spelled Hülss, Kammer & Reinhardt, Louis Lindner & Sohn (doll mark LL & S), Franz Schmidt, Schoenau & Hoffmeister, Strobel & Wilken, Carl Trautmann (see Catterfelder Puppenfabrik), Wagner & Zetzsche, Welsch & Company, Hugo Wiegand, Wiesenthal, Schindel & Kallenberg, Adolf Wislizenus. French firms; Fleischmann & Bloedel (or Blödel), Jumeau, Roullet et Decamps and SFBJ